
Red Cross Society

Consequent upon the bifurcation of Indian Red Cross Society, Punjab and Haryana State Branch in two separate on 19-6-1971. In pursuance of this General Meeting of the members was held on 4-4-1977 and it was decided to form a separate Branch for the Union Territory of Chandigarh. The Managing Body, duly elected in the General Meeting hereby adopts the following rules for the management and control and procedure of the Branch for carrying out the aims and objects of the Indian Red Cross Society.

Aims, Objectives and Jurisdiction

The aims and objects of the Indian Red Cross Society, shall be as shown in the First Schedule of the Act, XV of 1920 as amended from time to time viz:-

  1. Aid to the sick and wounded members of the Armed Forces of the Union in accordance with the terms and spirit of the Geneva Conventions of 12th August, 1949 and discharge of other obligations devolving upon the Society under the conventions as the recognized auxiliary of the Armed Forces Medical Services.
  2. Aid to the demobilized sick and wounded members of the Armed Forces of the Union.
  3. Maternity and Child Welfare.
  4. Junior Red Cross.
  5. Nursing and Ambulance Work.
  6. Provision of relief for the mitigation of suffering caused by epidemics, earthquakes, famines, floods and other disasters, whether in India or outside.
  7. Work parties to provide comforts and necessary garment etc. for hospitals and health institutions.
  8. The establishment and maintenance of peace among all nations in accordance with the decisions of the International Red Cross Organization.
  9. The expenses of management of the Society and its branches and affiliated societies and bodies.
  10. The representation of the Society or on at International or other Committees formed for furthering objects similar to those of the Society.
  11. The improvement of health, prevention of diseases mitigation of suffering such other cognate objects as may be approved by the Society from time to time.
  1. The Chandigarh Union Territory Branch of the Indian Red Cross Society shall have jurisdiction in the Union Territory of Chandigarh.
  2. The existing allied sections shall functions as the constituent units of the Indian Red Cross
    Chandigarh Union Territory Branch and the Secretary will also look after the work of these sections, namely: –
  1. St. John Ambulance Association, Chandigarh Union Territory Centre.
  2. Hospital Welfare Section.
  3. Family Planning Association
  4. Youth and Junior Red Cross.